Our Foundation's focus includes any activity or movement centered around social justice, population stability, support of student activist groups, educational scholarships, sustainability, and West Virginia environmental issues. Funding preferences go to West Virginia non-profit organizations whose program work includes these focus areas:
- Population Stabilization
- Coalition Building
- Sustainable Forestry
- Alternative Energy
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Land Use Planning
- Government Accountability
- Sustainable Economics
- A unique approach to philanthropy
- Land Acquisition and Protection
Our foundation utilizes not only its own assets but encourages individual and group donations to help further the Foundation's goals.
The Dunn Foundation also seeks nontraditional methods of assisting qualified groups such as real estate acquisition, fundraising, donations, and programs and staff development.
We, as an organization, have created a vehicle in which donations to the Foundation can be earmarked for particular programs and issues.
Contributions to the Dunn Foundation are tax deductible.